Friday 16 December 2011

Christmas wishlist

Hel-lo readers! Christmas is exactly 9 days away. And I want presents! Who doesn't right? So this year, I came up with a Christmas wishlist, maybe not a list, because it's just one thing. Yes, that's the only thing I want, all I want for Christmas.

#1. iPhone 4S

Why it's so awesome? Because your wish is your command, with the new siri feature, you can just ask siri to do things just by talking the way you talk. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean and even talks back. It's literally like having a conversation with your iPhone. You can ask siri to set reminders, send a text or even check the weather.

What else? The iPhone 4S also takes dictation. You'll be able to use your voice instead of typing. You're crazy if you think this isn't awesome.
Besides that, The iPhone 4S now has Dual-core A5 chip. It delivers up to two times more power & up to seven times faster graphics. iPhone 4S also has outstanding battery life, it's highy recommended for gamers.
Moving on, my favourite part, the camera. It has 8 megapixels and takes amazing photos. This might be the best camera ever on a phone. And after that, you will also be able to edit the photos you've taken right on your iPhone.
Next, the iPhone 4S also gives you faster connection, faster loadings and of course, faster downloads. This phone goes to all of you who are internet freaks & need the internet on 24/7.
Conclusion is, this phone is freaking awe-some. I really, really, really hope I can get this phone soon. K, that's it.


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