Friday 23 December 2011

{ Fill in the blank friday! }

That's right! I'm now coming up with a new type of post for my blog. Yes, it's called fill in the blank friday. So, from now on, on Fridays, I would fill in the blanks for some questions. Here goes { fill in the blank friday } post #1.

1. The strangest thing I've eaten is a frog. I'm still disgusted. It was at this restaurant & don't worry, it was cooked. But still, tasted like chicken.

2. I wouldn't be caught dead in overalls, especially those denim overalls. Ever since I was small, my mom had tried to make me wear overalls because she thought it looked cute, but she has never managed to even make me put them on. Seriously, I wouldn't even dress my kid up in something as disgusting as overalls.

3. When I am 75 I will hopefully be around loved ones and friends.

4. If I had to be named after a place, I would want to be named Alexa, nickname of Alexandria from Virginia.

5. My name is 'Priscilla' after a person in the bible.

6. My all time favourite photo is my primary school graduation picture. Not only because I looked like I had makeup on then, which I did not, but also because it brings back this warm feeling. Primary school gave me so many beautiful, wonderful memories, and through looking at the pictures, I remember the faces that have helped me through so much.

7. If I could afford it, I would go shopping every single day. hah, it seems impossible for now.

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