Monday 12 December 2011

Getting my Christmas on.

I did the edits and collage myself. Nice? As you guys know, Christmas is just around the corner. Yes, it's exactly 13 days away. And me me me so excited! Although around that time, i'll be attending 2 wedding dinners. I won't be meeting up with my cousins from overseas this year for Christmas dinner and the opening of presents because they will be going all the way to London to celebrate Christmas. So basically my whole family is going away on Christmas except for my parents and of course, me. I guess I would be spending my Christmas with my parents and a few of my cousins who are still in Malaysia. I guess it won't be so bad spending Christmas in Malaysia. But you know what sucks the most? Malaysia has zero-snow. It's more of a warm country and the most you get is rain. & that is why i've never, never, never experienced snow before. I sure hope I will soon, maybe go to a western country during winter? That's all. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays all!


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