Saturday 3 December 2011

Outing with my two babes.

This was supposed to be posted on wednesday ( 30 / 11 / 11 ), but whatever, i'll post it now. So, on 30/11/11, ming ( ming yi ) , sab ( sabrina ) and I went to e@curve, formerly known as cineleisure to watch breaking dawn part1!

These are some of the scenes. The show is a sequel, in this part, movie #4, Edward and Bella gets married and Edward gets her pregnant. So, their baby is a half-human half-vampire that grows really fast. Bella was only pregnant for a month before the baby came out. When the baby girl, Renesmee came out,  Bella died and was somehow miraculously transformed into a vampire. That's about it for the synopsis, i'll leave the rest to your imagination.
So, I rate the movie 7/10. It isn't 10/10 because jacob didn't show his body, I mean come on, girls watch twilight because we want to see jacob shirtless, and it's maybe because before I watched this, I already saw so many leaked scenes on youtube and read the whole story about what is gonna happen so I already expected all these. This show is mostly for twilight fans, like people who are super-into twilight or people who have the whole twilight disc collection and have watched the first three twilight movies for more than 100000 times, like mua. But you know what was so disappointing? The friggin malaysian cinemas cancelled most of the interesting parts, in all those US trailers, we see the volturi over and over again. For those who don't know who i'm talking about, here's a picture of the volturi.

But in malaysian cinemas they only showed the volturi for like 1 second. This is complete bullshit. How can they just cut whatever and as many scenes as they want? This is a US production, not a Malaysian production. If they want to cancel the babymaking scene, I understand, but don't fuck with the other scenes. Malaysian cinemas are just suppose to air the movie, not cut here cut there, like seriously, and they blame us for migrating to other countries. Hello? This is one of the reasons. Disappointing.

After all the cuttings, the movie only lasted 1 hour +. Ming, Sab and I wanted to camwhore in all those small columns they have in the game shops but after asking the people there for 5 minutes, those idiots only said the machine is out of service. Those guys from the game shops talked like blehblehblehblehbleh, sab and I couldn't even understand what they were saying. Then after that, somemore look at us as if we have some serious issues with our hearing like that. Please la, learn how to talk properly la. So after trying to hear their blehblehbleh words, we then understood what they were trying to say. So, we walked to the curve for some baskin robbins ice-cream, Sab's treat. It was pink day so we got pay one scoop, get one scoop free. I took chocolate chip and caramel. If I eat like that everyday, I would get diabetes. So super super sweet you know. We ate and walked to tesco, don't ask why. After that went back to curve's cotton on to camwhore. No photos available because I looked so terrible in the photos. At around 6:30pm, my mom fetched ming, sab and me home and we started camwhoring, again, at the backseat. This time got pictures because I don't look entirely horrible,

I'm the one on the left, Ming's the one with longer hair on the right.

Us doing the kiss-y face. ;)

From left, me, ming, sab.
Aren't they just incredibly gorgeous? Unfair.

Ming and Sab, the two sexy people who have helped me through so much. I love you two! :')


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