Monday 2 January 2012

[ First post of 2012! ]

Say hello to two zero one two. Well we weren't just saying hello to the new year, we were letting go of the old year. I celebrated the new year countdown with my best friend, Ming. We were so hyper that night, or should I say morning, well whatever you call it. When the clock striked 12, we were jumping, wishing each other happy new year. At the same time, we were so pissed because twitter was overload, as usual on occations. So, we just jumped around hearing all the loud fireworks outside. Without a doubt, 2011 was a year when many of us were swept up in a tide of change, challenge and difficulty. Let's hope 2012 will be a great year. I have a whole list of new year resolutions, but most of them are private. Well the not-so private ones are be better in volleyball and of course, rock the year. Well, 'rock the year' is like an every-year resolution. So here goes a few tips to survive this coming year. Well, it's kind of common sense, but I should repeat it anyway.

Survival tips for 2012

1. Don't believe all that you see or all that you hear. Even the word believe has a lie in it.
2. Be yourself. No one's going to be genuinely interested in you unless you're being the real you.
3. Don't be a backstabber. In the end, the people who you were talking about will end up knowing and sooner or later, everyone will know the truth. Not worth it, this only causes complications and broken friendships.
4. Don't give into peer pressure. When you're a teenager, smoking isn't cool, having sex doesn't proof you're experience and taking drugs doesn't you make you mature. All these only leads to lung cancer, unwanted pregnancy and aids. How do you think your loved ones would feel? Have a heart.

With love,

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