Sunday 25 March 2012

God loves us.

I was inspired to write about God's love for us and my life as a Christian after I heared a speaker talk about it in church, so here's my side.   I'm a christian and I love Jesus Christ my Lord. I was raised in a christian family, that's why I've been going to church every Sunday ever since I was a few months old. So you can say I pretty much grew up with God in my life. Many people call this ''BORN A CHRISTIAN''. But it's not, no one is born a religion. Your religion is what you believe in, not what your family believes in. So what if I grew up in a christian family, does it mean that I believed in Jesus when I was 2? No. I only gave my life to Jesus when I was 8 during Easter Sunday. What happened to the 6 years of teachings and Sunday school? I would call that a foundation. Ever since I said the sinners' prayer and commited myself to the Lord, Jesus played a big part in my life. I assure you that God is real, and miracles do happen when you pray. The problem with people nowadays, is that when something good happens, they say that it's because of good luck. But no. It's because of Jesus. There's no such thing as luck. Everything happens for a reason and God's the one who plans everything. He knows everything, your past, your future and everything in your mind. And what makes Jesus great? He forgives your sins. 2000 years ago, he died on the cross to save us, to cleanse us from our sins, and 2 days after that, he resurrected and went to heaven. But even though he is in heaven, he still looks after us, because he loves us so much. And miracles, they still happen daily, whether you know it or not. And it's not luck, it's Jesus, blessing you and loving you no matter what happens. 


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