Monday 28 May 2012

{ fill in the blank friday! }

Aloha! If you have read my last post, you should probably know why I've not been writing so much recently. So now, i'm taking the school break to update my blog. Here's another one of the fill in the blank friday, on a tuesday! Enjoy. 

1. The first thing I do in the morning is  roll around in bed  .

2. Every night before bed I check my twitter and facebook account.

3. My favourite thing to do when I'm having a bad day is blast some music and when I do that, it fills like the world has been shut out. 

4. Something that makes me sad is seeing a very very nice pair of shoes or a dress that I really really love but I can't buy it because it's too expensive. 

5. I like to collect magazines. Mostly magazines about fashion or stuff like Seventeen and those interior design magazines.

6. Weekends are for relaxing, shopping, working out. But I never get to do those things as I'm always so busy with activities.

Happy holidays everyone! 



  1. Happeh holiday to yuh too :D make some plans with your friends and go out duhh , its holidayy :P

  2. oh, okay. stalker? :) I'm pretty sure I know you.

  3. Dont think so duh ;P cause i know you through one of my friend :D
