Friday 25 May 2012

hello school break

Once again, i'm sorry for not blogging in a long time. No worries, I did not abandon my blog. I just had to take a break from blogging due to my mid-terms. Mid-terms just ended yesterday, and now it's time to relax and enjoy for this 2week-holiday. I have loads of things to do! Like, shopping and sleeping. And well, update my blog so that it won't look as if I had ditched it. I also plan to catch up with some of my primary school mates. This would be a long and boring holiday for me, because I would not be going anywhere. Yes that's right, stuck in the country. And maybe, just maybe, I can get rid of the eyebags and my jumping eyelids. Those jumping eyelids have been annoying me so much, probably because I don't get enough sleep. During the whole exam period, I've been so busy, busy watching the free astro channels. This is what happened, a few weeks ago, Astro won some award for being the most voted best brand in the country. To thank the voters, Astro decided to give everybody free channels. For the first time in my life, I had all the channels. Movies, cartoons, mtv, star world, sports. I had everything. AND YOU KNOW WHAT SUCKS SO BAD? Getting all the channels 2 weeks before my exams. What a great distraction huh? Freaking killjoy. But hell no, I wasn't gonna let my examinations get in the way of my Astro. I mean, this opportunity to get all the channels only comes once in a blue moon. So I enjoyed myself watching all the free channels, and died during my exam. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. Let's just hope my results are not bad. So as I was saying, in this two weeks, I would appreciate every second of it, sleeping, shopping, and doing all the things that I wouldn't have time to do when school reopens. Happy holidays everyone! 
