Friday 16 March 2012

{ fill in the blank friday! }

Aloha! So here's another { fill in the blank friday } , on a Saturday!

1. When I'm nervous I talk a lot and start blabbing random things out. 

2. My favourite item in my closet is my floral dress. I love it so much mainly because of the vintage flower design on it. But I love everything, most of the things in my closet as I pay for all my clothes myself.

3.  Blogging, tweeting and listening to my favourite songs on youtube  is my favourite thing to do when I need to relax. 

4. My favourite childhood memory is going to the park every Sunday with my bicycle and waving to everyone. I was a very, very friendly kid. 

5. Something you may not know about me is that I'm a picky eater & I have a list of food that I don't eat, and that list is a very, very, very long list. 

6. A true friend is someone who is completely honest to you, for example, a true friend tells you when you have food stuck in your teeth or when the dress you're wearing makes you look fat. A true friend gives you all the comfort and support you need, and lastly, a true friend understands and loves you for who you are without judging your flaws.

7. Something I hope people think of when they think of me is that I'm genuine and kind. 


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