Wednesday 14 March 2012

Belated post.

Aloha! On Tuesday, 13th of March, went out to curve with the bunch, cheryl, kim, xue er, jag, kai shen, jared, kenji and draggen. When I reached there it was 11, straight away went to starbucks to meet up with cheryl, who arrived at the same time. Then we waited for the rest to come. After 10 minutes, the guys came over, but kim and xue er were so super late. So after patiently, ok maybe not that patiently waiting for them for like, half an hour, they finally arrived. After that, we went over to TGIF for lunch. The boys sat at the table infront of us, and well we girls sat at the table behind them. Makes sense right? K, moving on. I have no idea what the guys ordered but it looked like a lot. And we girls just shared some drinks and a 3in1 meal or something like that. Guess what? There was this shitty waitress in TGIF who was so rude to us and kept looking at us like we were troublemakers. Bitch please, we just wanna eat. Problem? So, the girls were all playing temple run with their APPLE products, and I was just being the odd-one-out, without any APPLE products. After lunch, went over to ecurve to buy tickets. They had to find a movie that ended around 5, because me and draggen were supposed to go back by 5. Thank God John Carter was on at 2:50pm and ended at 5:15. So we chose that time slot.

So, after we bought the tickets, we went up to ecurve's highest floor for bowling, I didn't really bowl much as I suck at bowling, while the boys are so damn good at it. And by good, I mean freaking good at it. During bowling, we girls camwhored a little with cheryl's iPhone.

kim and xue er. 


Cheryl, xue er and Kim.

Me and cheryl

The four of us. 

Me and Kim.

Me and cheryl.

Me, Kim and cheryl.

After bowling, we headed for snooker/pool. Well the rest played while Cheryl and I went walking and hunting for lip smackers, ended up going to Sasa. After that, went to buy some popcorn and went into hall 6 to watch John Carter. Review on the movie? Awesome but predictable. So after the movie, it was 5:15 and I had to go home, said bye the bunch and headed home. 
Sorry that I didn't post this on that day itself, went back to my hometown, Penang the next morning at 5a.m. for a one day trip and just arrived home today. 


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