Monday 4 June 2012

Boredom / shopping rant

Title says it all. Boredom. I've been so bored this holidays, while everyone's overseas enjoying themselves. Sabrina's in Aussie now, and Ming Yi's gonna go to Port Dickson soon. And now, I'm gonna start ranting about the prices of clothes. So I went shopping with Wei Lynn & Ashley yesterday. Didn't get to buy much though, because everything in ou's so bloody expensive. In Topshop, one normal plain top is like, RM50. And I mean plain, like completely plain, no pictures or wordings, just plain cloth. Forever 21 too! I know it's nice and all but how do you expect us to afford all those clothes? I seriously don't get how people come out from these shops with bags and bags of stuff? Like, what do you even work as? Because I would really want that job. There's just so many things on my shopping list and the number of  things I ticked, 2. So I still have loads of shopping to do! And I haven't even been to Paradigm Mall yet, I heard it's really nice there, but you know, like usual, nice things are expensive. Plus, I've been looking high and low for a varsity jacket. A one that has a 'P' and one that the material's not like a super heat absorber. Something like that. 

Any suggestions on where I can get it? And for a cheap price! I would really appreciate it. Thanks. 



  1. Hey Pris , you know the Curve Flea market ? I think I saw this jacket once there . Wanted to buy it my mom was like "weather so hot, want for what?!" so yeahh :p

    1. I saw that one you're talking about but the material's not suitable for this kinda weather. I have one now! Bought it at E@curve for a very reasonable price. Thanks though! :)
